Consulting Editor: Roland Burrows, K.C,. Recorder of Cambridge Managing Editor of Halsbury's Laws of England, Hailsham Edition General Editor W. J. Williams, B.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law
The All England Law Reports Annotated of Cases Decided in the House of Lords, The Privy Council, all Division of the Supreme Court and Courts of Special Jurisdiction, Vol.1, 1939 - 37-39 Essex Street, London, W.C.2 The Law Journal 1939 - 856p - Vol. 1 .
The All England Law Reports Annotated
The Privy Council
348 / Law:847
The All England Law Reports Annotated of Cases Decided in the House of Lords, The Privy Council, all Division of the Supreme Court and Courts of Special Jurisdiction, Vol.1, 1939 - 37-39 Essex Street, London, W.C.2 The Law Journal 1939 - 856p - Vol. 1 .
The All England Law Reports Annotated
The Privy Council
348 / Law:847