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Your search returned 5 results.

From Concept to Action : The Protection and Promotion of Farmers' Rights in East Africa by Ronald Naluwairo Publication: Kampala, Uganda ACODE 2006 . vi-27 pages Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Main Library (2),

The Precautionary Principle, Biotechnology and Environmental Litigation : Complexities in Litgating New And Emerging Environmental Problems by Godber W. Tumushabe Publication: Kampala,Uganda Advocates Coalition For Development and Enviroment (ACODE) 2001 . 25p Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Main Library (3),

Sustainably Utilizing Our Natural Heritage : Legal Implications of the Proposed Degazettment of Butamira Forest Reserve by Godber W. Tumushabe | Rose Mwebaze | Ronald Naluwara Publication: Kampala, Uganda Advocates Coalition For Development and Enviroment (ACODE) 2001 . 21p Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Main Library (1),

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