URSB RESOURCE CENTRE                                                                                                     |  URSB Website  |  URSB Intranet  |          

Quote of the day

It always seems impossible until it is done. ~ Nelson Mandela

About our collection

The Resource Centre provides a platform for supporting acquisition of knowledge for professional and self-development through access to information resources. The collection reflects our core priority areas. It is made up of a variety of reading and information materials including Publications in areas of URSB work of Business Registration, Intellectual Property, Civil Registration, Liquidation and Insolvency matters and General areas of national and individual interest. These include reports, manuals, laws, articles, audios, videos and books both in hard and soft copy.

The Classification System used

The classification system used by the URSB Resource Centre is Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

Some materials can legitimately be catalogued in several numbers; However, the URSB Resource Centre chooses the one most appropriate to the curriculum and the conditions in URSB.

The materials have been classified in numbers where they will get maximum usage. For example;‘Marketing of Crafts and Visual Arts: The role of Intellectual Property: A practical guide’ Under normal circumstances, this title should be classified as 745.068. However, for purposes of usage in the URSB Resource Centre, it is better to classify it under Intellectual Property_Copyrights hence the classification number 346.0482

Main classes of Information Materials in the URSB Resource Centre
s/l Category Classification (DDC) No.
2 CIVIL REGISTRATION 30 (Sociology and anthropology)
Vital Statistics (births, deaths, national identification)304.6
Human rights (civil & political rights) 323
3 OFFICIAL RECEIVER (insolvency, liquidation) 346.078 (Commercial & Business Law)
Copyright 346.0482
Industrial Designs 346.0484
Patents and Utility Models 346.0486
IP_General (also includes Industrial Property) 346.048
Geographical Indications 346.0488
Domain Names 346.0488
Unfair Competition 346.0488
Traditional Knowledge 346.0486
5 REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS (URSB and other national reports) 350 (Public Administration)
6 LAW 34
statutes, regulations, cases348
Legal systems340.5
7 AUDIOVISUAL (photos, videos, audios) 7 (Arts and Recreation)
8 MANAGEMENT & AUXILIARY SERVICES (management, ICT, leadership, office services) 650
9 MIXED MATERIALS/ALL OTHER SUBJECTS according to the subject
10 NEWS, MEDIA 070

Search the Catalog

For a complete coverage of our collection, please search the online catalog;

  1. Use the search box above. Here you can search using keywords by Title, Author, Subject, Series or Call Number or
  2. Follow the E-Resources link to other online libraries, journals and e-books.

How to borrow

After finding the information material that you are interested in from the catalog, go ahead and request to borrow.

  1. Physically walk into the Resource Centre or Request the librarian to create for you a user account by filling in the request form. Ensure to provide a valid e-mail address. This is a onetime process.
  2. You will be notified of your account creation within 30 minutes on a working day.
  3. After your account has been created, you can always login to place a hold on the information material that you want to borrow. (For non-URSB staff, borrowing is restricted to on-site use only.)
  4. The librarian will then check-out the material to you.
  5. Borrowed materials must be returned within 7 days and can be renewed for a period of another 5 days by sending a renewal request at least a day before the due date.

Services available to members

The Resource Centre offers a wide range of services. These services aim at collecting, managing and disseminating Information; providing professional leadership in Library and Information services delivery and promoting a reading culture among URSB Staff and those interested in the work URSB does.

Services include:

  1. Reference Service
  2. Individual book loans
  3. Access to e-Books, e-journals and other e-libraries
  4. Assistance via phone and Ask-a-Librarian email service.
  5. Photocopying and scanning from the Resource Centre print collection are not yet available.

Who can use this service?

The Resource Centre primarily targets the following categories;
URSB Staff, Researchers, Managers, policy and decision makers, Students pursuing studies in the areas related to URSB work.

For requests, inquiries, suggestions, comments and any other feedback visit the Resource Centre or fill in the form below ⬇⬇
Log in to your account:
Open 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday except public holidays   ||  request & feedback form